The Power Of Tarrying In Prayer – Benny Shobo
I would define the word “tarry”, as the ability
I would define the word “tarry”, as the ability
The Believer in Christ Jesus must endeavour to live
Faith is paramount to the success and growth of
Most of the battles that we fight in life
It is crucial and beneficial to us when we
As Children of the Most High God, it is
Faith is paramount to the success and growth of
When we pray, our prayers will reveal many things
Absolutely! God hears every prayer that is made to
My definition of an effective prayer is this; it
When we pray fervently to God, we make God’s
Sometimes when we pray to the Lord, it seems
Gift A Prayer is a ministry focused on blessing, transforming and equipping the lives of others and our nations in need of prayer and help like Jesus Christ. It is our vision to instill the essence, significance and power of prayer in our lives, families, friends, communities and nations.