Picture of Pastor Benny Shobo

Pastor Benny Shobo

Does God Hear Every Prayer Made To Him? – Benny Shobo

Absolutely! God hears every prayer that is made to Him in faith from all people. However, it is totally up to Him whether He would grant or refuse our requests that we make to Him. It is the will of God that all people both saved and unsaved, reach out to Him and accept His Son Jesus Christ, as their Lord and Saviour. When we pray in faith, we are calling on God’s attention and power. Psalms 65:2, “You who answer prayer, to you all people will come”.

Our religion, status, beliefs, race or denominations are irrelevant when it comes to us praying to God through faith. The key thing to note however, is that we must believe that He exist, have complete sovereignty and His grace and mercy is sufficient for us when we earnestly call upon Him to save us.  This we must do in humility, sincerity and in repentance from our all sins. Romans 10:9-10, “Because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.  For with the heart one believes and is justified, and with the mouth one confesses and is saved. 

An excellent example would be someone who lived in sin as an unbeliever and is convicted of sin by the Holy Spirit, however he/she has now come to the point of surrender to God through Jesus Christ. In other words, this person has come to the realisation of the existence of God and the redeeming sacrifice of love that Jesus paid on the Cross of Calvary for him/her. For instance, a Moslem person may pray to Jehovah God because he/she has arrived at a decision to seek God for him/herself. Jeremiah 29:12, “Then shall you call on me, and you shall go and pray to me, and I will listen to you”.

10 Reasons Why God Hears Our Prayers

  1. 1. God is good and benevolent.
  2. 2. God is merciful and gracious.
  3. 3. God is loving, caring, kind and compassionate.
  4. 4. God wants us saved and delivered from the Kingdom of Darkness through Jesus Christ.
  5. 5. God wants a fruitful fatherly relationship with us.
  6. 6. God detests sin and evil in our lives.
  7. 7. God wants to bless and give us everything that is good.
  8. 8. God knows all our pains, burdens, struggles and weaknesses.
  9. 9. God is faithful and just.
  10. 10. God wants us to trust Him and walk in faith.

Praise God!

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