Picture of Pastor Benny Shobo

Pastor Benny Shobo

The Importance of Praying With Bible Verses – Benny Shobo

It is crucial and beneficial to us when we pray to God, to pray in our understanding and in the spirit, using scriptural Bible verses. The reason for this is because the word of God is Spirit and Life, which gives divine power to our prayers. We pray with truth and in confidence when we pray with scriptural Bible verses. Hebrews 4:12, “For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart”.

When we pray with scriptural Bible verses, it can be compared to us beautifying our gardens with expensive beautiful ornaments and rare flowers; which gives our gardens beautiful colours, sweet fragrance and a peaceful sense. Our prayers combined with scriptures, gives vitality, substance and tremendous power to our prayer utterances. James 5:16b, “The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective”. When we go to God in prayer, we must remember firstly to give God thanks and repent from all our sins, so that our prayers are not hindered in anyway.

The way to pray powerfully by utilizing Bible verses, is by sourcing out relevant scriptural verses that applies to your prayer points, and declaring these scriptures in faith, with strong and valid reasons to God regarding your prayer requests. For instance, if you want to pray for a job, you should get some Bible verses relating to your prayer point. Such Bible verses could include Philippians 4:19, “And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus”. Also, Psalm 84:1, “For the Lord God is a sun and shield: the Lord will give grace and glory: no good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly”.

Our prayers are more effective when we pray with scriptural Bible verses because it enables us to pray the right way, for the right things and not pray amidst. The word of God is one of our divine weapons against the devil. Therefore, when we pray with scriptures, we are engaging the enemy with the backings of Heaven. We know that the word of God gives us victory in all things, and we must endeavour to utilize these victories through our prayers, rather than us relying only on our prayers to God alone.

10 Reasons why we should pray with Scriptural Bible verses

1.   Our prayers are more effective, efficient and powerful.
2.   It reminds God of His word, covenants and promises to us.
3.   We pray with good conscience and godly intentions/ motives.
4.   It drives our prayers quickly to God’s Throne of Grace.
5.   It demonstrates our faith towards God and His word.
6.   It helps us to grow and mature in the word of God.
7.   We are reassured that we are aligned and have prayed according to the will of God, like Jesus did.
8.   It takes our focus off our petitions but focuses on God.
9.   It helps us to pray precisely, non-repeatedly and proportionately.
10.   It kindles an affectionate and fruitful relationship between God and us.

Praise God!

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